# Line below added 29 Nov 2024

CSA - Container Storage Analytics Appliance

CSA - Container Storage Analytics Appliance

Executive Summary

Hyperscalers has developed a Digital-IP Appliance Design Process along with a utility being the Appliance Optimiser Utility which together assists in productizing appliance(s) that enable providers with everything they need (inc. hardware, software, configuration & support) to hyperscale their services quickly, reliably and at a fraction of historical costs.

The problem: Many enterprises who have tried to use Kubernetes for stateful applications at scale have stumbled when using the platform for services like databases, queues, key-value stores, automation and machine learning.

The objective of this project was to pre-engineer, optimise, test and productize an appliance called “CSA” that could solve these enterprise challenges.

The Solution

Service providers using the CSA appliance could deploy and scale in 2RU 4-node building blocks gaining the following capabilities out of the box:

  • Container orchestration using Kubernetes;
  •  Storage Interface using Port Worx for running stateful applications tested at 950MB /s; and
  • Analytics with Machine Learning using Elastic Search

Visit the Product Pricing Page here.

About Kubernetes

Kubernetes is an open source container orchestration platform that simplifies the development and management of applications bringing greater ease and agility for developers, operators, and data scientists alike. Kubernetes offers:

  • Distributed System
  • Cluster Manager
  • Container Platform
  • Operating System

About Portworx

Portworx software provides cloud native storage and data management for Kubernetes. Containers makes it easy to build and run modern distributed applications in production at scale, by pooling resources across an entire datacenter or cloud. While the container platform works great for stateless applications, many enterprises who have tried to use Kubernetes for stateful applications at scale have stumbled when it comes to using the platform for services like databases, queues and key-value stores. Portworx, which scales up to 1000 nodes per cluster and is used in production by Kubernetes users, solves the operational and data management problems enterprises encounter when running stateful applications on Kubernetes.

About Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch is a distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine capable of solving a growing number of use cases. As the heart of the elastic, it centrally stores the databases, which can discover the data patterns and run analytics on them. Elasticsearch lets you perform and combine many types of searches — structured, unstructured, geo, metric etc.

Test Drive the Appliance

The appliance can be accessible to the customers using WAP DDNS “http://hyperscalers.asuscomm.com/”. Depending on the customer requirements; the administrator can open a port accessible via DDNS VPN.

Test drives of CSA are free to partners via Hyperscalers’ Lab as a Service LaaS.

Watch the Video here.

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