# Line below added 29 Nov 2024

AUS USA Made: Servers, Storage and GPU Servers


                                         Hyperscalers is a recognized manufacturer and exporter of:                                                       

Server, Storage Server, GPU Server and End-user devices.

  Collaborates with:

Canberra Business Chamber and Chamber of Commerce and Industry who issue Certificates of Australian Origin.

  R&D overheads subsidized by Department of Innovation.

                                      Manufacturing capabilities span from Level 6 to L10 to L11.                                                                           

Level 0-6 by Quanta Computer Inc

Raw material preparation, pick and place soldering, PCBA routing, press-fit and mechanical assembly, camera inspection, quality check.

Level 6-10 by Hyperscalers 

Motherboard components and commodities preparation, CPU RAM and GPU installation, storage sub systems, networks and testing.

Level 10 -11 by Hyperscalers 

Networks installation configuration and set-up, firmware BIOS and baseboard management controller, deployment of software-infrastructure stack, set-up and configuration and acceptance testing.               


Hyperscalers' 10 Core Functions:

BareMetal & Ethernet


Hyperscale x86

Tier 1 Original x86

Lab as a Service LaaS 

IP Appliance Design



Notebooks Touchpads


Services and Support

Education Whitepapers

Training Videos