# Line below added 29 Nov 2024

DPX enterprise data protection and migration appliance

Hyperscalers with Catalogic Software®

Pre-engineered, unique solution for Protection, Migration and Recovery

*  Can deliver the best Total Cost of ownership and value

Outstanding capablity in fulfilling high-level business requirements such as:

  •  Agentless Backup/restore/migration and data retention
  •  Agent based Backup/Restore and data retention
  •  BareMetal Recovery
  •  Network Attached Storage integration
  •  Cloud integration

  • $USD $36,000.00

    *RRP Pricing*

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DPX enterprise data protection and migration appliance

DPX enterprise data protection and migration appliance Data protection and recovery has for a long time been the Achilles Heel of enterprise business continuity. Stories abound of well-known brand names unable to recove

DPX enterprise data protection and migration appliance

Data protection and recovery has for a long time been the Achilles Heel of enterprise business continuity. Stories abound of well-known brand names unable to recover from data loss or damage in a timely manner. Exacerbating this problem is the new era of rapid infrastructure flexibility across multi-cloud operations, and the accelerated functional responsiveness made possible via DevOps.

Hyperscalers and Catalogic have observed the increasing overlap of protection and migration activities generally within the industry and have understood that a critical relationship exists between the two. Consequently, they have partnered to develop the DPX enterprise data protection / migration appliance. This is a pre-engineered, out-of-the-box solution for Protection, Migration and Recovery that provides a unified range of data management, infrastructure management and risk mitigation capabilities that is unmatched by any other product in the marketplace.

                                                  *Catalogic DPX enterprise compatibility matrix   


Rather than to depend on an ‘all-or-nothing’ migration strategy, where the source data/system must always be available, DPX supports intermediate storage of snapshot images such that decisions can be made dynamically as to whether any given snapshot should be migrated towards another environment/technology type, used to roll-back to an existing environment or used instead to recover into another environment of the same type as the original source. This interrelationship between Snapshot, Storage, Migration and/or Restoration activities and supported technology types is what makes the DPX appliance unique in terms of providing options that are not available in other migration and protection products. These capabilities are shown at a high-level in the following illustration:

                                               *High-level overview of DPX Enterprise Data Protection         

The following diagram illustrates both the DPX appliance system architecture and some key highlevel business requirements that can be fulfilled by the DPX enterprise data protection appliance.
These include:
• Agentless Backup/restore/migration and data retention
• Agent based Backup/Restore and data retention
• BareMetal Recovery
• Network Attached Storage integration
• Cloud integration

                                                 *System architecture for Data Protection using DPX

                                                                              *DPX HTML5 Dashboard

The DPX appliance works with both structured and unstructured data residing on physical or virtual storage. In many cases DPX can determine key structural metadata located within items such as virtual machines, databases, operating systems, storage volumes and various software platform architectures. This deep structural knowledge of numerous product/technology types allows DPX to provide advanced end-to-end snapshot, storage, migration, and restoration capabilities including crossmigration and recovery across cloud, operating system, platform, and bare metal product/technology types.

The DPX appliance supports snapshot-based capture of your structured and unstructured data from virtual and physical devices, with fine-grained control of storage within DPX across multiple storage technologies and locations (it is possible also to direct backups to cloud or to a secondary DPX appliance). De-duplication and compression are employed to ensure efficient use of storage capacity, and snapshot version control management allows point in time migration and recovery actions to be taken. These capabilities provide protection from hardware and software failures, operational mistakes, hacker activity and natural disasters - enabling you to reliably return your systems and services back to the same state as when stopped or to a specific snapshot restore  point.

                                                                       * Block Storage Restore

DPX Rapid Recovery allows a VM to be brought back online before full recovery has been completed because the hypervisor can reference the VM volume(s) directly from DPX storage while restoration into hypervisor storage is ongoing. Additionally, the DPX appliance can work on an agentless basis (something not supported by other migration platforms), including when working with VMware and Hyper-V. The combination of Rapid Recovery and Agentless Operation enables very fast restoration of services including into new cloud domains that have not been configured for DPX operation.  If something unexpected ever does happen at either of the source or target endpoints, the DPX appliance can provide concrete assurance that at least one copy of your source data is always available.

Cost optimisation is a key business driver for the use of cloud technologies and therefore the ability to move safely and transparently between cloud providers (and/or back to on-premises) is critical. The DPX appliance provides a common pathway for rapid and safe migration in this context, with the safeguard protections provided by the DPX appliance inherently forming a part of all migration operations. 

                                                                             * Agentless Restore

Hyperscalers have identified the hardware configurations or building blocks that can be categorized based on the customer use cases. DPX enterprise appliance to back-up the datacentre storage and long-term data retention can be deployed in any of these high performance ultra-dense storage servers below. 

Start Configuring using Hyperscalers Servers

Intensive storage up to 1.4 PB

Flexible Storage up to 216 TB

Ultra dense storage up to 78 TB

Download the full reference guide in the downloads tab. 

For technical queries regarding the whitepaper which you can find in downloads and for managing virtualized, mobile, and cloud technologies, you can contact Hyperscalers technical support at support@hyperscalers.com

In addition to the official appliance document, the Catalogic Software Data Protection product details can be found in the link https://www.catalogicsoftware.com/products/dpx/

Contents Page - Download the Reference Guide in the Downloads Tab 

2 Introduction  4

Audience and Purpose    6

Documents, Knowledge Base, and Technical Support     8

Features of DPX enterprise data protection    8

Important Considerations     9

Digital IP Appliance Design Process   10

Appliance Optimizer Utility AOU    10

Infrastructure Setup   10

Storage Intensive DPX appliance configuration    11

Balanced performance DPX appliance    12

Space optimized DPX appliance    12

Access and Default Credentials    14

Terminologies    14

3 Base Product Deployment    15

Installation of VMware     15

Importing the DPX and vStor virtual machines    22

Configuring the storage     29

Configuring the clients     32

Virtual Environments     32

Operating Systems     33

Applications and Databases      33

Installing the catalogic client software:     33

4 Configure the Appliance     37

Catalogic DPX Management Interfaces     37

5 Testing the Appliance     44

Backup    44

Restore    49

6 Additional Setup and Deployment   54

Troubleshooting DPX Appliance   54

Cmagnet Service:   54

DPX license setup:   55

7 Addendum    56

8 Copyright and Licensing   62

9 References    62

White Paper 1
Title Version Date Size
White Paper DPX enterprise data protection and migration appliance 1 799KB
Reference Architecture 1
Title Version Date Size
DPX Reference Guide 1 4MB

Tags: DPX, enterprise, data, protection, migration, appliance, solution